Category: Martys Garage

Preview: The Grumpy Dumpies

I’m closing in on finishing up another moped. I decided I’m gonna call it ‘The Grumpy Dumpies’ in honor of the millions of shitty diapers I’ve changed in the last year and a half since my 3 boys were born. Before you go “woah wait a sec a top tank kromag conversion! nobody’s ever done one of those!” #sarcasm. I…

How to kit a Tomos A3

So you’ve got an older Tomos(pre-1992) and have decided to put a kit on one. You’ve got a A3 engine and you’ll begin to notice that there’s a much bigger selection out there for the newer style A35/A55 engine. This stems from the Tomos A3 using a 10mm wrist pin with it’s piston and the A35/A55 and all of the Puch…