Category: Casseroller News

Dogs and Cats

Weekly ride tonight is going to start out at Chris and Rob’s Authentic Chicago Style Hotddog’s we’ll pick a destination once we’re all there. Meet up around 6:30ish 3101 East 42nd Street Minneapolis, MN 55406-3325 Map if you need directions Tomorrow we’re planning on stopping by Blue Cat Motors in St. Paul for Third Thursday. 460 North Prior Avenue Saint…

Pedals Optional Rally

Pedals Optional Rally

Tomorrow at the Hexagon Bar! Pray for good weather!   Schell’s Brewing, Autocycle Twin Cities, and Brown Dog present Pedals Optional’s Spring Opener! Hexagon Bar, located just off of the Greenway, is hosting a full day, outdoor event including swap meet, bike show, raffle, rally, live music, and FUN! Local Bands include: 20 Dollar Love, Pennyroyal, Ponyboy, Crankshaft, Aloha from…


Blasting time is finally here! Just a reminder for those of you that are new or if you’re interested in riding with us we meet at Pizza Luce in uptown every wednesday for our weekly ride. The plan is to meet at 5:30pm and head out at 6:30pm. It’s a good idea to subscribe to the text service in case…